Act Small, Love Big
2025 Summer Camp theme announcement! Every year at camp, we choose a theme that will inspire our thoughts, conversations, and time together. The theme comes up in Morning Watch, Campfire Devos, Quest, and in various other ways. It is one of our guides for exploring spirituality at camp – that is – the ways we seek to connect with something way beyond ourselves and also deep within. The theme for summer 2025 with SLMC is:
Act Small, Love Big:
Transforming the World through Seeds of Change!
Inspired by the transformative power of choosing small when one could choose big, this summer at Silver Lake we are exploring what it can look like to serve one another in small, steadfast, and committed ways to bring a new, love-filled world into being.
We will consider how slowing down and living small is not about becoming passive but rather an act of resistance against a world that always asks for more, even when it is destructive. By leaning into Silver Lake’s rich history of intentional community living, creation care, and counter-cultural peacemaking, we will consider how to reimagine our history as a call to work for a radically different world than the one we see around us. We will consider what the land can teach us about small living and how small living can be a way to steward the land.
We will emphasize that none of us can do it alone, for true change can only happen when each member of our community allows themselves to be drawn into relationships of mutual care and accountability. We will also consider how our community can seek to embody small living in the context of the global community and humbly enter into relationships of mutuality with neighbours far and near.
By learning to care for one another and all creation in small ways, we will plant the seeds of a new world full of love, care, and compassion.
Many thanks to SLMC staff member Thomas Beech for developing this year’s theme once again!