- Semester-long Time
- Cohort
- Creating safe places
- Encouraging relational conversations rather than broadcasting conversations
Meaning- Making:
- Meaning-Centred Psychotherapy- Victor Frankle
Notes & Resources:
- We need connectivity and accountability
- We want to provide tools to successfully avoid pitfalls and tragedies
- Being open with younger people and within this group to decolonize
Young Adults:
- We are seeing new ways of being in young adults and feeling ill-equipped to connect with these new challenges.
- Holistic living
- Support and nurture young adults
- Time in life of decisions that will be directional in life
- How to support people in times where they will experience resistance and challenges
- Encouraging a dynamic of a generation that is incapable of shaming/ judging humans
Trauma/ Mental Health:
- finding ways to process trauma- COVID and other
- Soul Initiation
- Hillary McBride- embodiment
- bell hooks- All About Love
- Betty Pries- The Space Between Us
- Ben Crawford- 2000 Miles Together
Meeting – Jan 3
- Doable to have an experiential leadership program
- Might be helpful to deconstruct the Genesis program and for the 4 of us to have a conversation with Bob
- How do you maximize/increase the agency of a group of Young Adults to develop leadership, resilience? Agency – groups taking responsibility for what they do and what are the limits of related to insurance, etc.
- Truth and Reconciliation – when the trauma is glaring like a war, something shifts in our brains in a different way than it does when the trauma is less glaring/insidious like the pandemic. However, we are deeply impacted by less glaring trauma.
- The ways we don’t prepare young people for change and things that are out of our control
- How to be resilient, deal with hard things
- Book – The Wisdom of your Body – Hillary McBride – being in tune with your physical self, practices
- We can’t think our way out of difficult emotions, we need to sit with difficult emotions, not wish that hard things would go away but work through them, what does your body need, what are the signs of stress, being whole people
- Openness of the Catholic School Board – sense of compassion for others related to the recognition that humans are sacred
- Develop experiential learn that equips people with skills, practices that will help them develop resiliency and walk with hope, purpose, determination and confidence
- Contemplative practices that help people find grounding – centering prayer, meditation, yoga. These practices help people in times of change
- Richard Rohr – suffering is the experience of losing control
- Building a foundation
- How will this experience of the pandemic affect high school students as we work with them in the future? How these experiences shape us now and into the future. Providing spaces for storytelling and sharing and learnings.
- Man’s Search for Meaning – Victor Frankl – what are the sources of meaning in life. Meaning Centred Psychotherapy
- How do we de-colonize our work? – thinking about gender, race, sexuality
- Ledge thoughts about developing as a leader – Risk, Reflect, Relate
- Some think of risk as being irresponsible, rather as necessary to developing as a leader and in relationships. The need to take risk in giving and receiving feedback to people in a healthy way (Karen – life IS risk)
- Liminal experiences, reactivity
- Richard Rohr – Liminality for Lent
- Learned a lot through the Covidsucks: Let’s Talk About It
- Young Adult Research Project – to help Ledge understand the needs of young adults
- Learning as a parent that I have no control… continuing to experience that we don’t have control (Karen – when things are out of control or out of our control, it doesn’t mean that we are out of control… we can still have agency)
- Quiet – Susan Cain – the impact on our work with both introverts and extroverts, the gifts introverted people bring to our teams
- All About Love – bell hooks – thinking about love in different contexts, how people can be traumatized in families where we would want them to experience love
- Wisdom of Trauma – documentary with Gabor Mate – being aware of our bodies and what we can learn from trauma
- Thinking about the global trauma of COVID-19 – Intergenerational, systemic. The systemic trauma and inequities that have risen to the surface during the pandemic. (Justin – the need for healing after the trauma we’ve experienced through COVID-19)
- Wondering about what we could do, given that in person continues to be a challenge and stress is high, could we offer something small?