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Mini Camp & Camp 1 Photos

Posted on: June 22nd, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Have you seen the photos from Mini Camp and Camp 1 yet?!

SLMC staffer recognized

Posted on: June 12th, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Congratulations to SLMC staff member Joel Becker who was recently recognized in The KW Record as one of the top students in Waterloo Region. Way to go Joel!

Notre Dame School – Owen Sound

Posted on: June 11th, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Thursday June 7, 2012 was a beautiful day at Silver Lake, made even better by  the students, teachers and parents from Notre Dame School, Owen Sound.  Here are some pictures from the day!

Junior Youth Retreat – Saturday

Posted on: June 2nd, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Well, despite the weather the campers opted to spend plenty of time outside in activities ranging from kayaking and canoeing to crafts and gaga ball. We also took time inside for a high energy worship service in the afternoon and then back outside for a camp-wide came called “Menno Run” (simulating Early Mennonites escaping persecution while find places to gather and worship).

Here are some pictures from the day.

Staff Lounge Dedicated in Memory of Laura Rourke

Posted on: May 12th, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

On Saturday May 5, 2012 the new staff lounge was dedicated in memory of Laura Rourke. Laura was involved with SLMC in a variety of ways over the coarse of her life; camper, CILT, staff, board member, volunteer and donor. Most people will remember Laura as camp cook, physically and spiritually nourishing the campers, staff and volunteers with meals. This new staff lounge will serve as a place for staff to retreat to, a place for staff meetings , a place for worship and a place to eat leftovers on nights off while enjoying the company of friends. It is fitting that this new staff lounge, built in memory of Laura, will be a place where staff will gather to be nourished through the sharing of food and fellowship.

Staff Lounge project well underway!

Posted on: April 23rd, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

This past weekend, Ed Enns and Andrew Rourke lead a crew of volunteers who braved the cold, wet weather to begin the 2 week building blitz for the staff lounge.

Camper Cabin Update

Posted on: March 27th, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

The metal roof is on, interior walls are framed, insulation is in (not yet complete) and the windows and doors are installed! The cabins are really taking shape!

New camper cabins are taking shape!

Posted on: March 10th, 2012 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Leanne and I were at camp yesterday to meet with the contractor responsible for building the two new camper cabins. They look great! Walls are framed and wrapped. Next steps include building the porch structure and installing the windows and doors.