Silver Lake Mennonite Camp believes that every child should have an opportunity to attend camp. We have a Campership Fund that provides financial assistance for children/youth and their families who would otherwise be unable to attend camp due to financial difficulties.
Each year there is a limited amount of funds available to disburse. As a result, the preference is to partially subsidize registration fees to ensure funds can have a broad impact. Where full funding is required, the camp will look for ways to encourage partnerships to meet the request. Silver Lake reserves the right to contact churches, foundations and other potential funders to explore funding partnerships.
Please complete the form below and email to the camp office – before March 15. Funding decisions will be communicated to applicants by March 30. Please note that a $150 deposit is required at the time of registration. There must be a registration submitted in order for us to review your application.
If you would like to support the program, you can add a donation to your camper registration, participate in our Direct Monthly Giving program or contact the office at 519.422.1401 or email us at for further details. To make a one-time donation to the Campership Fund, visit our Ways to Give page.
Campership Fund Application Form
** Please print the above form and fill it out by hand. You can then either scan it or send a photo of it to We will email you to let you know your application has been received.