

Posted on: January 14th, 2021 by Karen Cornies

Here’s what’s happening at Silver Lake in 2021!

1. Registration for overnight camps and Discovery Day Camp at Silver Lake opens at 7am on February 1Click here for more information and to register.  No fees will be collected until April 1 at the earliest and a minimum of 2 weeks notice will be given before fees are due.  These camps may not be able to run, but if they can, we’ll be ready!

2.  NEW!  Cabin rentals will be available at Silver Lake this year starting May 2nd.  Click here for more information and to register for as many time slots as you like.  No fees will be collected until April 1 at the earliest and a minimum of 2 weeks notice will be given before fees are due.  Please note that summer cabin rentals (June 27- September 2) may be cancelled if overnight camp is running.

3.  Registration for Silver Lake Adventures Day Camps is open at 14 locations across Ontario.  Click here for more information and to register.   No fees will be collected until April 1 at the earliest and a minimum of 2 weeks notice will be given before fees are due.  Please sign up early if you are interested in a day camp so that we know there is interest in your area.

4. CANCELLED:  May 21-23 Family Camp is cancelled.  Click here to sign up for the March Family Camp Getaway (March 14-20) or family tenting in Monetville on the shores of Lake Nipissing (August 15-21 or 22-28).  Click here to rent a cabin at Silver Lake that weekend or any other available time.

5.  Family Tenting in Monetville:  Click here for more information and to register for a week of family tenting.  Note that Silver Lake Adventures day camp will be running the same weeks and families can register children ages 9-15 for the day camp program.  For questions related to availability of programming for younger children, please contact me.

6.  Silver Lake Sings:  Calling all singers and instrumentalists to be part of Silver Lake Sings.  Click here for more information and to sign up.

7.  Looking for new activities while staying at home?  Click here to play the Silver Lake edition of a game similar to Ticket to Ride and lots of other activities.


Silver Lake at a Church Near You!

Posted on: December 14th, 2020 by Karen Cornies

Mennonite churches have supported Silver Lake since its story began 60 years ago, so to start the year out right, catch Silver Lake at any of these churches. Church communities have found many new ways of gathering during the pandemic and not all have public services. See the links below for public services or reach out to churches you have connections to.

We hope to see many of you in the weeks ahead!

Stirling Mennonite Church

January 17th

Faith Mennonite Church

January 24

St. Catharines’ United Mennonite Church

January 24th

Services at St. Catharines United Mennonite Church are available to the public and can be found online.
SCUMC YouTube Channel

Ottawa Mennonite Church

January 31st

Leamington United Mennonite Church

January 31st

Services at Leamington United Mennonite Church are available to the public and can be found online.
LUMC YouTube Channel

Hamilton Mennonite Church

February 7th

St. Jacobs Mennonite Church

Services at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church are available to the public and can be found online.

February 7th

SJMC YouTube Channel

Waterloo North Mennonite Church

Sunday School is held on Zoom, but services are available to the public and can be found online.

February 28th

WNMC YouTube Channel

 Rockway Mennonite Church

 March 21st

“Friends of Silver Lake” & “Staff Alumni” Contact Form

Posted on: November 5th, 2020 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Silver Lake is working on an exciting new project to reconnect with Silver Lakers and Past Staff who we may have lost touch with over the years. We need your help!

Click on the form below to read more details and to:

  • Confirm your own contact info
  • Be added to the “Friends of Silver Lake” mailing list
  • Share some details from your time at camp
  • Let us know if you are SLMC “Staff Alumni”
  • Report a change of email or address
SLMC Contact & Data Gathering Form!

Summer 2020

Posted on: June 5th, 2020 by Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Supporting and Strengthening the Silver Lake Community

Dear Silver Lakers:

Summer 2020 is going to be very different this year!

Stay tuned here to know what’s going on at Silver Lake and how you can join in.

Looking for things to do in June?  Join any of these activities!